Guidelines For Submission
Fabian Flores Publishing exists to center and amplify Latinx stories. Thank you for considering us as a partner for your work. Before submitting, please take a minute to read the next few paragraphs and ensure we are a good fit for your work.
When our window is open, we invite you to submit a query letter along with the following materials:
Picture books: full text
All other books: synopsis and the first two chapters
Now that we’ve discussed the basics, here is the golden rule: only submit one query at a time. We are interested in reading your most compelling work, so please send us that submission first. If an author submits multiple queries, we will unfortunately not be able to review any of the author’s work during that submissions period.
Here are a few more considerations:
Manuscript type & formatting: standard formatting, Arial or Times New Roman type, double spaced
Languages: English & Spanglish
We invite you to submit the following materials:
Illustrations: link to online portfolio, or website/IG
Photography: link to online portfolio, or website/IG
We appreciate you taking the time to thoroughly read this post.
We are an independent start-up publisher, so these guidelines are here to help us connect with you. As much as we would love to personally respond to every submission, we simply cannot at this time. Please give us up to six months to be in contact. If within that time frame we have not reached out, we invite you to submit a different manuscript during our next submissions period. Thanks in advance for understanding.
We’re excited to read your work.